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About Us

Welcome to Zone 10 Outreach, a beacon of hope and transformation in Palm Beach County. Established in 2023 by our founder, Keenan, we are a faith-based non-profit organization that believes in the power of community, connection, and faith.


Inspired by the teachings of Jesus, we understand that transformation and hope are possible for everyone. We strive to create an inclusive environment that radiates warmth, acceptance, and support, extending a helping hand to those who need it most.


Our work focuses on education and supportive resources. Our first major initiative, an annual surf camp for children with special needs, symbolizes our dedication to nurturing unique, enriching experiences. But our vision goes further - we aim to extend our outreach to assist families in need, individuals battling addiction, and students seeking opportunities.


At Zone 10 Outreach, we're not just an organization; we're a family, united in our mission to uplift and support. We're here to help our community members navigate the challenges life presents, and with our faith and shared commitment, we believe in the potential for positive, lasting change.


We invite you to join us on this journey -  a journey of transformation, faith, and shared human experience. Together, we can make a real difference in our community and in the lives of those we serve.

Our Mission

Our Mission

Our mission at Zone 10 Outreach is to inspire and facilitate transformative change in Palm Beach County by providing supportive resources and nurturing experiences, guided by our shared faith in Jesus, with a commitment to uplifting children with special needs, families in need, individuals battling addiction, and students seeking opportunities.


Our Vision

Our vision is to foster a resilient, faith-filled community in Palm Beach County where every individual - regardless of their challenges - has access to the resources, opportunities, and supportive relationships they need to overcome obstacles, realize their full potential, and lead fulfilling lives.

Support Our Cause

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